Supporting the courage to look internally, find self-compassion, and reclaim inner beauty

Book Recommendations 


  • Hari, J. (2022). Stolen focus: Why you can’t pay attention and how to think deeply again. Crown. 

Eating Disorders

  • Green, K. (2017). Lighter than my shadow. Oni Press.
  • Tribole, E., & Resch, E. (2020).  Intuitive eating: A revolutionary anti-diet approach (4th ed.). St. Martin’s Essentials.


  • Devine, M. (2017). It’s OK that you’re not OK: Meeting grief and loss in a culture that doesn’t understand. Sounds True. 


  • Barrett, L.G. (2017). How emotions are made: The secret life of the brain. Mariner Books.
  • Doidge, Norman. (2007). The brain that changes itself: Stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of brain science. Penguin Books.
  • Doidge, Norman. (2016). The brain’s way of healing: Remarkable discoveries and recoveries from the frontiers of neuroplasticity. Penguin Books


  • Forehand, R. & Long, N. (2010). Parenting the strong-willed child: The clinically proven five-week program for parents of two- to six-year-olds.  (3rd ed.) McGraw Hill. 
  • Siegel, D. J. & Hartzell, M. (2004). Parenting from the inside out. How a deeper self-understanding can help you raise children who thrive. Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin.

Personality Traits

  • Cain, S. (2013). Quiet: The power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking. Broadway Books.


  • Paul, A.M. (2010). Origins: How the nine months before birth shape the rest of our lives. Free Press.


  • Brizendine, L. (2016). The female brain. Harmony Books. 
  • Heffernan, M. (2012). Willful blindness: Why we ignore the obvious at our peril. Bloomsbury.
  • Mlodinow. L. (2013). Subliminal: How your unconscious mind rules your behavior. Vintage Books. 
  • Paul. A. M. (2021). The extended mind: The power of thinking outside the brain. Mariner Books.


  • Epstein, M. (1998). Going to pieces without falling apart. A Buddhist perspective on wholeness. Broadway Books
  • Epstien, M. (1995). Thoughts without a thinker.  Basic Books.
  • Yalom, I.D. (2002). The gift of therapy: An open letter to a new generation of therapists and their patients. Harper Perennial. 


  • Walker, M. (2017). Why we sleep: Unlocking the power of sleep and dreams. Scribner.


  • van der Kolk, B. (2014). The body keeps the score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma.  Penguin Books.


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