Dr. Kobus is licensed to practice psychology in Alaska and Illinois and has interjurisdiction authorization to

practice telepsychology across state lines into Florida and South Carolina.

Telepsychology, also known as telehealth or telemedicine, allows for a patient and therapist to work together without being in the same location. It is a delivery mechanism for providing behavioral health services and does not change the quality of care that is provided. Behavioral health (aka mental health) is a natural fit for telehealth services. In 2016, over 85% of telehealth services billed were for behavioral health. The COVID-19 pandemic greatly expanded the adoption of telepsychology as a means for delivering mental health services. 

At this time, Dr. Kobus is only accepting new patients for virtual sessions via telepsychology, with office visits available only in crisis situations. For these services, Dr. Kobus uses, a secured, HIPAA-compliant telecommunications technologies for sessions.  Doxy is similar to Zoom or Teams platforms, but has features added to better protect confidentiality and does not allow for videorecording of sessions.

Telepsychology is not a good fit for everyone.  Some people prefer the experience of being in the same room as their therapist or require this because of their specific clinical needs or the lack of access to privacy at home.  If you are unsure about your interest in and appropriateness for telepsychology, Dr. Kobus can help you determine if this is a good fit for you. 

The option to obtain health care services by telehealth was made permanent in Illinois in July, 2021, when Governor JB Pritzker signed HB 3308 into law. This law expands access to mental health care services and requires coverage be paid at the same rates as in-person care. Since some self-funded payors have the option to not cover these services, it is important to double check with your insurance company to be sure your policy covers telehealth.

Dr. Kobus’ Telepsychology Waiting Room


Please click link to enter the telepsychology waiting room for Dr. Kobus. No apps or downloads are needed to use

Telepsychology is scheduled by appointment only. No “walk-in” appointments are available. Dr. Kobus will let you into her virtual office at your scheduled appointment time. 

Doxy supports the following web browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari 11+, Microsoft Edge (for Windows 10), and Samsung mobile browser. 

Tips for Telepsychology

  • Find a private location for sessions to limit the potential for interruptions or for conversations to be overheard.  Sometimes people choose to meet from their parked car for privacy.  Driving during sessions is not permitted for safety reasons.
  • Allow time to reflect before and after the therapy session.  In traditional therapy the car ride to and from therapy provides this time.  Time for reflection is valuable, but needs to be more deliberately created when engaging in telepsychology. 
  • Only the patient is in the room for sessions.  Please do not have other people in the room with you when you meet for sessions, unless Dr. Kobus is informed in advance and they are being included for purposes consistent with therapeutic goals. 
  • Click here to test your internet connection.
  • Technology issues happen.  If the video or audio connection is lost during a session, please exit the session and your internet browser. Then please try again to use the doxy link to re-enter the waiting room. 
  • To troubleshoot issues with, please visit Help Center
  • Please have your phone available in the event that technology issues impede the ability to meet by video session. 
  • Know your location. Dr. Kobus will ask to know where you are when meeting.  This is necessary for emergency or crisis situations.
  • Double check your insurance to be sure that telehealth services are allowed for payment.


Dr. Kobus is licensed to practice telepsychology in Alaska and Illinois and has interjurisdiction authorization to practice telepsychology across state lines into Florida and South Carolina.

Alaska – Licensed  Psychologist

Illinois – Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Florida – Registered as Out-of-State Telehealth Provider

South Carolina – Issued Temporary Permit to practice psychotherapy

PSYPACT – Authorized to Practice Interjurisdiction Telepsychology in PSYPACT states

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